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The Cheats Of Scapin
(Molière (1622-1673))

Octave is shattered. It has just learned by his servant Sylvestre, that his father Argante and Géronte, his friend Léandre?s father, are coming back from a journey with the intention to marry him with Géronte?s daughter.
But Octave has already married with Hyacinthe, a very poor girl he met whereas he was accompanying Léandre near his beloved, the beautiful Egyptian woman Zerbinette.
The character of Carle enters into the scene. He informs Léandre that Egyptians removed Zerbinette and that they claim a high ransom. The young man is desperate.
Both fathers learn their sons? love relations and are strongly wrathful. Young men enquire about their most cheating servant?s assistance. Scapin will stifle with both fathers.
In order to make Argant accept the marriage of Hyacinthe and Octave, Scapin tells him his son was compelled by his wife?s family to marry her. Argante wants to bring a lawsuit with the alleged family to break the marriage. In order to prevent it, Scapin invents the character of Hyacinthe?s cruel brother who wouldn?t hesitate to defend his honour in a mortal fight. Scapin requires from this last, a lot of money to cancel the marriage. To extort such a money sum to Argante, the servant impresses him. He disguises Sylvestre for Octave?s wife?s brother. Frightened, the old man claims to be his own enemy.
In order to obtain the sum of money witch is necessary to Léandre to release Zerbinette, he deceives Géronte, and let him believe that his son was removed by a Turkish boat. He tells that the boat?s occupants require the young man?s father to give much more money to release him. But Géronte is miserly and he only after many negotiations agrees to entrust the invaluable to Scapin.
So Scapin wants to punish him for being ingrate towards his son.
He makes him believe that the alleged Hyacinthe?s brother wants to kill him because he wishes to replace the young woman by his own daughter as Octave?s wife. Simulating the arrival of the man, he hides Géronte in a large bag and strikes him, and mimics a keen fight.
Géronte meets Zerbinette. Without knowing who she was speaking with, she reveals the old man all the secrecy of her release. Argante also discovers trickery. Both want to punish Scapin to have played them so nasty trick and to have swindled them.
Géronte decides to make his daughter come from Tarente where he had kept her away and to marry her to Octave. However this one has disappeared. Only Nérine, her nurse has come to the meeting. She announces Géronte that his daughter married a young man whose name is Octave, without the assent of her father
Hyacinthe and Géronte meet themselves. She pleads the old man Zerbinette?s cause. She has become her friend. Argante arrives and recognizes Zerbinette as his own daughter who has removed by Egyptians during her childhood.
Whereas one moment before, both fathers only thought punishing Scapin for his tricks, Carle enters again in scene and announces Scapin was seriously wounded. He is immediately followed by the servant, carried by two men, his head surrounded with a binding and howls with keep silent head he suffers and will die. In front of this new trick, everyone forgive Scapin?s cheatings.

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