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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

Life is a voyage from being to becoming. And here goes a beautiful fable of a shepherd, who became a shepherd because he wanted to see the world, and then, his journey towards his treasure begin.

Very interestingly author has portrayed a truth that, "The destination is in it self is not that big a contribution to one's life than the road and lessons to achieve that destination". As when we strive towards our goal the learning we found and the lessons which are hidden in various folds for us are much important to our life, our personality. Those probably are very necessary to keep our head on our shoulder, even after we found our treasure. As someone puts it rightly, that "achieving success is not as difficult as to retain it. And one can retain glory only with the original virtues earned in the voyage between.

A probability, of human being: his glory from nothing to something to everything. A saga of turning mishaps into opportunities, and seeking answers in the adversities. Which can be true for everyone? Anyone can be that shepherd and anyone is that baker who was waiting throughout his life to arrange enough money to travel the world, and eventually become a person who no longer lives as per his own desires and wishes but as per the norms of society. Those unfortunately are made by the same people like us for us and can be changed whenever we want them to change as tools to our betterment. As the growth of individual is the growth of society.

Ready to go on a fascinating journey of learning and change with this book, Bon Voyage!

Varsha Prakash

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