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The Child In Development
(Helen Bee)

The quarrel on the nature versus the environment, also known as hereditary succession versus environment or nativism versus empirismo, is one of the oldest and central offices theoretical questions in such a way of the psychology how much of the philosophy. However, what it is clearly after the reading of the Child in Development is that when observing the growth of the children, becomes necessary for the understanding of the functioning of the development of the same ones, to explore the biological factors in such a way as well as the cultural ones, as well as the occured interaction between both, for from now on, to explain what remains and what dumb. After all, as it emphasizes the author, as much the hereditary factor how much the way is essential and parallel. They exist at least two ways to observe the influences between nature and environment. One of them is to look standards of common interactions and normative between surrounding nature and way, another form is to attempt against variations that occur of child for child in the interactions nature/environment: the differentiated effect that the same surrounding it causes different children.

An important reference is the study of the vulnerability and resistance of the children. For Horowitz, the vulnerability or innate resistance in accordance with interacts the ?facilitador character of the way?. It is understood that the same surrounding it occasions different effect, in accordance with the infantile capacities or qualities. Another question very emphasized in desenvolvimentista psychology is referring to the nature of the change: the child extends ?same? the capacity, or mentions a new type to it of capacity, these changes would be quantitative or qualitative. The idea of the existence of periods of training in the process of development of the child, suggests that the same one, to each new period of training starts concomitantly to act in different way when carrying through the tasks, passing to see the world of a new form and if worrying about different questions of the ones of the previous period of training. John Flavell, in turn, standes out only some limited evidences of periods of training in research on the cognitivo development, affirming that he has yes sequences in the development, if not being able in such way, to affirm with certainty the idea and existence of periods of training of infantile development.

Helen Bee displays to the reader the ideas that support the four groups of theories that influence in the study of the human development. As main boardings, the author detaches: the biological theories, the cognitivas and desenvolvimentais theories of the learning, theories and the psicanalítica boarding. The biological theories of the development have as base the idea of that the common standards of development and the proper mannering trends of each individual partial or are entirely programmed geneticamente, or suffer influences from the physiological processes (former. hormonais changes). That the environment does not have importance for the development, however the genetic programming is considered more excellent by the adepts of this theory. On the other hand, the defenders of the theories of the learning give emphasis to the dominant paper of the experience, according to them, the learning can simply occur for the comment, called observacional learning or modeling, also call the attention for the intrinsic reinforcements, pride and or discovery. For the adepts of these theories, the classic conditioning and the operative conditioning are two processes importantíssimos in the infantile development, the first one involving the acquisition of new signals for existing answers and according to the association of a new reply to one old stimulaton, through reinforcement. In what it refers to to the psicanalítica boarding, is verified that this has as base the idea of that the behavior is governed by unconscious processes; as a basicpoint is the consideration of that the personality already possesss a structure, that if develops throughout the time; the development for the psicanalíticos theoreticians is of the type period of training, being this centered in a tension form or specific task. Already in relation to the cognitivo-desenvolvimentais theories, the understood child notices itself that these in such a way consider the internal aspects as external in the changes, being as agent in the process of the development, fits to still mention, the emphasis that this theoretical line gives to the object explorations on the part of the child. Its main representative is Piaget, that believes that the way does not mold the child, the process for which the human organism uses to develop, it is the adaptation process (assimilation, room and equilibração), for Piaget has four periods of training of development, that they always follow the same sequence.

The author still mentions other examples of conceptions, as the theories most recent of the attachment of the child to the parents, who combine basic psicanalíticos concepts with clearly cognitivos subjects, as the notion of an internal functional model. Finally, she fits to detach that ahead of the access to the repertoire of boardings presented in this book, as many psychologists, educators and parents, effectively worried about the good development of its children, they can look through the understanding and comparison of the different theories and the constant search for the improvement of its knowledge - recognizing always the changeability of the same ones - more good to contribute for one better cognitivo and emotional development of our children.

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