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Credit Cards And Web Hosting
(Dr. Hedaya Al Asooly)

Credit Cards and Web Hosting


Actually I started my research on the credit cards generators and validaters, and after quite large efforts I succeeded to find a lot of them in http://www.hackpalace.com/anarchy/cc/, where there a large number of tools and articles related to carding, but when I used the credit numbers generated by these tools in some of the web sites, they did not accept these number generated. That led me to make some research on credit card processing and then to web hosting and Ecommerce

This is only initial work on the area of Credit Cards and Web Hosting, and maybe followed by detailed work. Again I was limited by not having credit card for testing. I will follow this report with another report that includes a case study because I cant put everything together.

This work divided by different parts

Part 1: Credit card processing

I presented here some overview about the concept of accepting the credit card. This was taken from some site in the net.

Part 2: Tips for choosing the Web Host

Here I presented the tips for choosing a Web Host. This article is taken from

Part 3: Some of the Free and Commercial Web Hosts

Here I presented some of the free and commerical web hosts given in

Part 4: My notes with the work with some of the free web hosts

Here presented some of my notes with the work on some of the free web hosts, as these web hosts are the only hosts I could try without the need of having credit card.

Part 5: Some information for using the Web Hosting with Ecommerce Plan in Hostway

Here I presented some what is written in Hostway as a form of help for using their web hosting. These concepts apply similar in most of the commercial web hosting sites.

Part 6: Steps in using Yahoo Web Hosting and Yahoo Merchant Solutions

Here presented the steps for using Yahoo Web Hosting and Yahoo Merchant Solutions.

Part 7: Steps for using Apollo web hosting

Here presented the steps for using Apollo web hosting. These apply for other commercial web hosting sites. Please refer to their web site for complete understanding. There are a lot of good tutorials using video in most the topics.

As I mentioned, I could not test the commercial web sites, because I don?t have credit card. But I just tested the Free Web Hosts and I gave my notice on them.

You can find my full book published in http://www.lulu.com/content/347893
My Email Address: [email protected]

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- Make Your Own Website Free

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- How To Accept Credit Cards

- Publishing Through Internet

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