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The importance of soil without erosion
(Joneide Maria de Souza)

The importance of soil without erosion
  To reduce the costs of deforestation, burning is a common practice. In addition to pumping into the atmosphere huge amounts of carbon dioxide, trapping greenhouse gas, burning makes the soil unable to absorb organic matter, which leads quickly to exhaustion. Climate change is presented, with the gradual increase of erosion, the formation of small basins and the disappearance of many plant and animal species. Erosion is becoming as progress of breakdown of rocks by the action of one or more agents, as the sun (heat), rain, snow, wind, etc.. Like the rocks undergo the action of erosion, so the soil, and in the latter case, erosion has harmful effects for human life, to raze ground or at least suitable for agriculture. Erosion can be caused by water (sea, river or rain water, as water is the sea, river or rain, respectively), wind (wind erosion) and also ice (glacial erosion) . With the lack of human awareness, the soil has become, in general, of low fertility. The soil is being depleted every day that passes, those consequences that have occurred because the forest is to maintain the replacement of minerals and soil organic matter. Every year large amounts of fall leaves (dead), twigs, flowers and fruits. These materials are decomposed and enriched the soil in addition to closed vegetation protects the soil from erosion by rain preventing a lot of minerals are carried by runoff is why it has been said that the vegetation itself lives in the Amazon , slightly depending on the soil. Soil erosion is present in all Brazilian biomes, from the Atlantic to the Amazon rainforest, through the cerrado, savanna, wetlands, fields and mangroves. In many of these areas, since it is possible to notice the great process of desertification because of inadequate soil, as gauchos in the fields, where large areas were damaged, as were farmland, and has turned into deserts. The greatest risk of degradation and destruction of the soil is significant in many regions of Brazil due to high susceptibility to erosion of most of our land, now classified in more than 250 types. The marked deterioration in erosion and gullies, can already be observed in soils of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, especially in many rural and urban areas. The water rushes over the form of rain has basically three different destinations, in order to drain runoff into the nearest river, again evaporate or seep into the soil. In the water that infiltrates the soil is absorbed by plant roots and trees, partly returning to the atmosphere through transpiration of plants, the other feeds the groundwater in the subsoil, which in turn will feed the rivers. With all this demonstrates that the degradation of the ecosystem on the planet Earth, home to thousands and thousands of human beings that need to educate all its attitudes and actions that can to come to destroy our habitat. We must strengthen an alliance between people for the future to come, we may be breathing air, eating healthy foods and keeping the soil from erosion, making them fertile, making it easy, planting and the man's life here on planet earth.

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