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The Happy Prince
(Oscar Wilde)

Happy Prince

One night a little swallow flew over the city where a beautiful statue was stood. The swallow?s friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before but ha had not because he was in love with the most beautiful reed. The other swallows had told him that his love was ridicous because the reed had no money and too many relations, and she was always flirting with the wind.
While he was flying he saw the statue, it was covered by thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two sapphires and a large red ruby glowed on his sword. When he was alive he did not know what tears were, he lived in a palace where sorrow was not allowed. The courtesy used to call him the Happy Prince, and when he died the Town Councillors decided to build the statue which was set up so high that he could see everything.
The swallow decided to sleep on the statue?s feet, but just when he was putting his head under his wings, he felt a drop of water, and then another, when he looked up he realized that the Happy Prince was crying because he could see the misery and ugliness of his own city. So the Happy Prince asked the swallow to be his massager. Thought a small window the Happy Prince could see a very poor seamstress who was embroidering passion flowers on a satin grown, and he could also see her ill boy. They had no food to eat, so the Happy Prince told the swallow to take out one ruby from his sword and you give it to them.
There following night the Happy Prince saw a man in a cold garret trying to finish a play but he was too cold to write, so the Happy Prince asked the swallow to take out a sapphire of his eyes and to give it to him in order to buy wood. The following day, he saw a match-girl whose matches had fallen in the gutter so her father was going to hit her if she did not bring home some money. In order to help the girl the Happy Prince asked the swallow to pluck out the sapphire of his eyes to give it to her. As a result of this action he became blind and the swallow had to fly over the city in order to tell him what he had seen. He saw two children crying of hunger and a lot of poverty so the Happy Prince decided to take out all the golden leaves so as to give them to the poor children.
At last the swallow knew that he was going to die because of the cold winter and he decided to stay with the Happy Prince. He asked the swallow o kiss his lips as he loved him, when he did so he fell down at his feet. At that moment a crack sounded inside the statue, it was the Prince?s heart.
Early, the next morning the Mayor saw the statue but, as he was not beautiful, it was not useful any more, so he decided to pull it down and melted in a furnace but the broken led heart did not melt so it was thrown away on a dust-heap where the dead swallow was also lying
God told one his angels to bring him the most precious things in the city, and the angels took Him the dead bird and the leaden heart, so God said: you have nightly chosen, in my garden of paradise this little bird shall sing forever, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shall praise me.

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