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(George Orwell)

The book 1984 written by George Orwell is provocative and almost prophetic. Written in 1949 it spoke of the future we would embrace least we recover our society and confront its oppressors.

According to Orwell the people of our society are split into three groups. The High the Middle and the Low. Although they have borne countless different names and their attitudes to each other have changed even after mammoth alterations and apparently irreversible changes the essential structure of society never altars, ultimately it settles down to the same arrangement. The objectives of the three groups are intransigent. The aim of the Middle is to replace the High and the aim of the High is to stay in its current position. The aim of the Low, when they have one- for it is an everlasting characteristic of the Low that they are too oppressed by drudgery to be more than periodically aware of anything exterior to their daily lives- is to destroy all diversity and create an equal society. Throughout history a struggle which is primarily the same has repeated itself again and again. For long periods of time the High are in power but then are soon replaced by the middle due to either a loss of belief in themselves or a failure to govern efficiently. The Middle who then recruits the Low to their side by claiming falsely they are fighting for liberty and justice. The Middle then throw the Low back down to their place of servitude and replace the High. Then a Middle group splits off from one of the others or both of them and the struggle starts all over again, no group stays in power for any significant length of time. This the book claims is how the structure of society remained for its time until Big Brother being the ultimate High imposed himself upon the people.

Big Brother is not a person in the physical sense but an authority figure designed to administer fear and provide the feeling of a higher being; a Godlike father who watches all. In Orwell?s 1984 there are posters of Big Brother?s face everywhere complete with the slogan ?Big Brother Is Watching You?. The people love and fear Big Brother, Big Brother is in theory their ruler although he doesn?t actually exist.
In Orwell?s book the population is split into three main groups. The Inner Party who make up around 1%, The Outer Party around 18% and the Proletarians the other 81%
The Inner Party are materially affluent and are privilege to more information than the Outer Party but are never the less controlled.

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- 1984

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- Nineteen Eighty-four

- Nineteen Eighty-four

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