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The Complete Manual Of Fitness And Well Being
(Reader's Digest)


Yoga (from the Sanskrit word for union) has been practiced for thousands of years in the East and embodies many different systems. The one that is best known in the West is hatha (ha = sun, tha = moon) yoga, which focuses on the mastery of the body and the breath. The yoga postures and breathing exercises are designed to help people to achieve harmony through balance, as well as improved flexibility, release from stress and, a new body awareness. Yoga is an excellent adjunct to any physical activity, for it teaches the integration of body, mind and spirit.

It is best to learn from a qualified teacher. However if you have no access to a class, you can still derive many benefits from the exercises given below and also in the many books on yoga that are now available.


By practicing the breathing exercise, you can retain your respiratory system to function more efficiently. Learning to breath correctly feels odd at first, but will come easily after a few weeks of practice and will allow you to gain more benefits from the yoga postures.

First become conscious of the lower, middle, upper lobes of your lungs. Feel the breath draw deep down into your chest, slowly feeling up, without strain, to just under the shoulder blades. Then breathe out fully from the bottoms of your lungs up. The out breath is an important as the in-breath and clears the lungs of accumulated toxins. While walking, breathe out for double the count that you breathe in.


Alternate nostril breathing has an immediate tranquilizing effect on the mind.

Sit in the lotus position or simply with your back straight, and eyes and mouth closed.
Shut the right nostril by pressing the side with the right thumb. Keep the next two fingers bent and the last two fingers together and straight. Breathe in through the left nostril until the lungs are comfortably filled.
Close the nostril for a few seconds, using the last two fingers to press in the left nostril.
Release the right nostril and exhale slowly, then breathe in on the right to fill the lungs.
Again close the nose this time reapplying the thumb. Hold for a few seconds. Release the left nostril, breathe out slowly and immediately breathe in again.
Repeat the entire sequence five times, finishing with the final out breathe on the left side.


The so called corpse pose can be the kiss of life if you are short of sleep or feeling tense, and is a good resting pose between more strenuous postures. Lie on your back, with your feet in a v-shape, arms by your sides. With eyes closed, breathe in for a count of 6, hold for 3, breath out for 6, and hold for 3. Repeat the cycle for about 10 minutes, stretch and get up.
Some people have not tried yoga because they have seen photographs of practitioners in advanced poses that seem impossible to achieve. However, most of the beginning postures are simple and attainable by anyone of any age. If you have a physical condition that you feel might prevent you from performing a certain pose, check with your doctor; show him the instructions and follow his advice.

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