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The Perfume

Swiss writers are unfortunately not too well known. Patrick Suskind is a representative of modern swiss literature, an extremely talented writer, who takes us through this book published in 1985 through the dizzening world of smells, of fragrances, a world revolving around one of our senses, a sense taken to its keenest by the protagonist Jean Baptiste Grenouiile. The events in the book take place in the second half the 18th century in France - in a world where hygiene and cleanliness were not so common to the ordinary people. In this place of filth, in the fish market of Paris a difform baby is born, a baby so hideous that even nanies and churches that look after him are disgusted by the task. He starts to work at a very young age taking on various jobs and soon discovers that the only thing of interest to him, the only thing capable of bringing him out of his state of apathy is smells. Due to his keen sense of smell he starts working for a man who creates perfumes, a man who takes advantage of Jean Baptiste's amazing talent and becomes rich. Passing by a young woman by chances the protagonist experiences the most amazing smell that will from then on become the sole target of his energy and efforts: the smell of women who have not yet become intimate with men. He tries to make that smell his own, to become one with it and so he kills the young woman creating a fantastic fragrance; for fear that he might be followed he hides away from people. A series of circumstances bring him to the palace of a marquis who protects and feeds him where he manages to create a perfume that would give him - the hideous and scentless- him who people were disgusted or afraid of a new smell, a scent that would make people trust him, a scent that would attract people to him. He keeps killing young women to extract from them the scent he was after and after many journeys he is eaten by people who are irresistibly attracted by the scent he had manufactured from the hair and skin of the dead women.

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- The Perfume

- Perfume By Patrick Suskind

- The Perfume

- The Perfume

Passei.com.br | Biografias


