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Love Is A Dog From Hell
(Charles Bukowski)

why does everyone see love as something bad, something that only brings sorrow and tears, why does no one see its beautiful side, why is love as bukowski has it a dog from hell... why? because we do not know how to make the most of it or how to cherish it... is there anything more beautiful than love? what helps one survive in this tragic world if not love... love for yourself, love for the flower you water, love for the pet you feed, love for the person standing by your side always ready to help you get through difficult situations and the most important the love you have for yourself, a love we cannot refer to as a 'dog' because it does not ask us to help her like a dog would but rather we ask her to just be there, we cannot say we can do anything we want with it like we would with a dog since things are the other way around... we are at its mercy.

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