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(Raymond E. Feist)


One of the recently unsung heroes in the world of Fantasy Fiction is the honorable Raymond E. Feist. As the writer of the classic, ?Magician? this man has been greatly undervalued in recent times.

Magician is a compelling story of human relationships and the empowerment of not giving in to the circumstances that fate might dictate for us. This story, set in a world very like our own, follows the life of two friends, Pug and Tomas. Pug, who is an orphan at the keep at Crydee, and his best friend Tomas who is the son of the master cook.

After the yearly choosing of apprentices where Pug is belatedly selected as apprentice to the Magician, Kulgan, the first inherently human struggles become apparent when Pug has trouble with the study of magic. Later on, in the plot, the reasons for this become quite obvious.

The author takes us on a journey of upheaval through war and unimaginable removals which only serve to accentuate the importance of the relationships shared by these two characters. This is also apparent in the relationships and the turmoil experienced by all of the other characters. Once again the author masterfully depicts the natural ups and down of human interaction.

Philosophical questions raised by these events have always been apparent to me and has made the story so much more rewarding. Points like the appropriateness of certain people for a specific profession and then also the question of what we as humans are capable of through our imagination. I don?t mean to say that I am a believer of the use of magic, but what I am saying is that we as humans are certainly capable of a working a bit of ?magic? in our day-to-day interactions with others.

The drastic reversals of fortune that bring the two friends back together in the end has always been a bastion of hope [to me] in the literary world and brings me to read the story of their separate journeys of personal development again and again.

The way in which the story is presented to the reader is of such an easy reading nature that anyone will find it appealing. For those who are not avid readers of Fantasy a word of caution: Don?t read Magician?lest you get hooked on Feist for ever!

Thank you, Raymond, for this story, it has enriched my life.

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