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Science And Health With Key To The Scriptures
(Mary Baker Eddy)

First published in 1875, this is the main textbook of Christian Science, and together with the Bible is Pastor of the church. This book however reaches far beyond denominational boundaries and is offered, as the author puts it, to all honest seekers for truth. Millions of people of all faiths have found help in its pages. Thousands claim to have been healed simply by reading it.

Science And Health With Key To The Scriptures comes out of a lifetime of prayer and Bible study. The daughter of staunch Calvinist parents, Mary Baker Eddy, early rejected the idea that suffering and pain are God?s will. The Bible was her only textbook as she set out to prove that God?s will is only good.

The first chapter is entitled simply Prayer, and from the start the reader is captivated by the author?s evident knowledge of the subject, and by her forthright and often unorthodox approach. While later she takes on the nineteenth century?s fascination with spiritualism and animal magnetism (hypnotism), it is for material medicine and mainstream theology that she reserves her greatest volleys.

That man is spiritual, made in the image and likeness of God is her teaching, to have discovered how to heal as Jesus healed is her claim. She asks no one to accept anything that they cannot prove. That truth will bring healing, not only to the physical, but also give dominion over sin and death, is taught throughout the book, for understanding, not blind faith is needed. This, the author states, is what Jesus meant when he said, ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. The Key To The Scriptures section offers a unique perspective on Holy Writ, while the final chapter called Fruitage, gives more than eighty testimonials of healing.

Described as a book for thinkers, it is a must for all seeking health and well being or those questioning the deeper purpose of life.

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