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Catch 22
(Joseph Heller)

One of the most famous classic books with a backdrop of the Second World War, this is deeply serious but at the same time it is hilarious book. The phrase catch-22 has its origin from this novel. It is one of the greatest pieces of work in the English language.
Yossarian is the main character of the book. The strange name of the hero itself shows that the book is a very different portrayal of the world war. The book is written on a very serious topic, the condition of the soldiers in the war. The book has used humor as its main weapon to show the plight of the soldiers.
Apart from seriousness this book is a very interesting read with its strange humor, and many interesting characters. Yossarian wants to go away from the war since his required number of missions is over but his commander keeps increasing the minimum number of missions so the soldiers remain. He sees many of his friends die in the missions and he is very afraid of dying. Then he finds out that his assistant, the so called foolish pygmy turns out to be very intelligent and escapes from the army, with death as his alibi. When
Yossarian finally realizes what a genius was his assistant he decides to run away.

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