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Life, The Universe And Everything
(Douglas Adams)

my life in the universe and everything about it, is how i am going to attack this this title.My life at the moment is about writing something i have always wanted to do but have not had the courage in my ability to do so. After all who am i in the universe amongst everything and everybody to write something that would capture the public imagination. So i bought myself a computer and managed to find shvoong and decided nothing lost nothing gained so here goes,. i am so nervous but at the same time elated i am doing this time will tell if i am sucessful, actually i am already in the vogue and hope i can continue with this little abstract, i am going for 300 words but how does one condense their life, the place it takes in the universe and everything else, life on a beautiful suuny day is for living, the universe is at peace with everthing or so it seems how long this will last i do not know. My universe is here and now doing what i am doing at this point in time , i hope that my writing will continue and i will get better and better day by day thre is anticipation for what is to come and i feel joy at the challenge, and have taken it on with gusto for now at least. I may be like the person who started a book yes the pages were numbered , i laughed , that could be so me, thre is so much with life the universe and everything else its hard to know where to start, how to start and begin the elusive book the reason for being the part of your life , the centre of your universe and everything else.After all what is life without a book, its pretty straight.

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