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The Garden Of Eden Story

In the Biblical Garden Of Eden Story, God creates man from the dust of the earth, gives him a soul, by breathing life into him, and places him in a beautiful garden, made especially for him. In the garden are all sorts of trees with fruit that provides food for the man.

God understands that the man should not be alone, and sets out to provide a companion for him. Out of the dust God creates animals, birds, and all living creatures, but none is found to be a suitable partner for the man. God then causes the man to fall into a deep sleep, takes one of his ribs and from it creates a woman. Adam and Eve, as the man and woman are called, are not ashamed, though naked, and appear to have no physical attraction for each other.

Among the trees of the garden, is one known as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and Adam and Eve are told not to eat of its fruit or they will die. The Serpent, however, convinces Eve that they will not die, but simply become as Gods. Eve eats of the fruit and gives of it to Adam, who does the same. Sudden they realize that they are naked and sew fig leaves together to cover themselves. They also try to hide from God, who when he discovers their disobedience, and newly attained knowledge expels them from the Garden Of Eden, and condemns them to a life of physical labor, pain, sorrow and finally death itself, when they will return to the dust from whence they came.

The Garden Of Eden Story places Adam and Eve in a state of innocence, from which they apparently must escape, before they can grow in wisdom and knowledge, and begin the procreation of the human race.

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- Genesis

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