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Glastonbury: The Avalon Legend

The legends that involve Glastonbury, one of the places most sacred of England, attract a multitude of visitors and pilgrims.

The king Arthur would have been exactly embedded in the soil of the abbey? Although frades to affirm to have joined the mortal remains of the king and its Guinivere woman in 1190, still exists many doubts how much to the veracity of history. Recent discoveries seem to demonstrate that the body would have been embedded close to Bridgend, in the south it Parents of Wales.

It will be really Santo Graal hidden in Chalice Well? In sopé of the outeiro one spring exists whose to sing it remembers beating of the heart. This spring also is called Source the Blood, for its waters to be of that color due to iron oxide, even so its more famous assignment is of Sacred Vase, a time that the tradition gives as certain being there that Santo Graal is hidden.

She will be that that stranger spiral was the way for Glastonbury Tor?

Although the opinions opponents and of the studies contemporaries, Glastonbury is still a sanctuary in the Land.

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