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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
(Roald Dahl)

This is a classic story of the underdog winning in the end. I have loved this story since reading it with the teacher in third grade, I'm turning 40 soon, it remains in my head as clearly as the day I sat there as wide eyed child. To listen to the descriptions of the chocolate factory was enough to make my mouth water. How I wanted to visit this place, this wonderful, colorful, mysterious place.

But even more than the wild imaginations of the chocolate factory was the story of Charlie. The life he lead, the thought of being so poor, so hungry and yet so hopeful struck a chord in my heart. To have Charlie and his dear family triumph in the end because he had shown commitment , loyalty, honesty and common decency is what really makes this stroy come alive. Lors knows there is precious little enough of these attributes circulating amongst the youth of today.

Abundance is something to be revered in todays society but what if we all put ourselves in Charlie's place. Roald Dahl has written abook which I have shared with my children and will share with my grandchildren should I be blessed to have them. If you are ever going to take time out to read to your children then a chapter a night of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory will delight and inspire them. Give your children the opportunity to imagine how different Charlies life is from their own.

There may just gain a new perspective and you may see a different side of them. If you haven't read it since childhood, do yourself a favor and use your children as an excuse to visit Charlie again.

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- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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