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Body Politics
(Julius Fast)

?Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most powerful of all.?
Who would not want to hear their names as the answer to the question above? Who does not want to be powerful? Men want power and women love men who are powerful since that would make them powerful. In short everybody wants to have power.
Julius Fast in his fantastic book ?Body Politics? explains the psychology behind power and the things people do to be in power in houses, offices, in a family, in a team etc. While some people may use their weakness to be in power, some people use their aggressiveness to show who the boss is.
Is a person born with a powerful personality or can it be developed? Some people are born with qualities that make them a natural leader whereas these qualities can also be developed.
The author writes that there are mainly three types of people. The first want to be powerful and they will give their 100% for it. The second type of people will not work for power but will accept it if given a chance. The third type do not want power and won?t do justice if given power.
This is a very interesting book to read as the author has covered the subject in great detail and given various examples to prove his point. This book is like a tutorial for the people who do not know how to be aggressive in their personality and the book is also a great read for the people who want an interesting book to read.

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