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According To Your Faith
(Lynnette Brashear)

According to Your Faith?

An account of a healing was told in 4 verses, Matthew 9:27-31. There?s a unique thing about reading the Bible. It is definitely not a book that one could just skim through because gems are often found in the midst of long passages. Pearls of wisdom are often found in one verse. One example that comes to mind is the prayer of Jabez, found mixed in a long passage that people are often tempted to just skim over.

This particular story is about two blind men who were following Jesus. Now I?ve read this story before but somehow today I got stuck on ?they were following?. It seemed the Holy Spirit was urging me to just stop right there for a moment. When I did I determined that from this text, from that simple statement, God said A LOT. After I stopped and thought about it, I wondered to myself, how could blind men follow Him, they couldn?t see.

Sometimes we may be in the midst of something, in darkness not knowing where we are. We can be blind, but not physically blind, and the sensation is just the same as if you were walking around with your eyes closed. Often times the Lord will put us in a place where we really don?t know what?s going to happen. We can?t predict our way out of anything really. It?s all in His hands. I guess that?s why people are quick to say blind faith.

Anyway, they still successfully followed Him. They may have had to rely on guides to keep the right path as sometimes in life we have to. (Just make sure you know who?s doing the guiding). But still, even with a guide, more is necessary. They had to listen for Jesus. They had to use the sense of hearing to know where he was.

No doubt they listened for His voice, they listened for His movement, they had to sense His presence. I guess what I?m trying to say is a guide can only be so effective. They had to no doubt rely on pushing their way through. Sometimes that is how we have to be. Many people can serve as a guide but still you really have to know the Lord?s voice, know His movement, etc. for yourself to get to Him.

They were crying out to Jesus, ?Son of David have mercy on us!? These few short passages spoke volumes. We determined that first they knew the source. They knew who He was and what He could do. Secondly, they followed the source. They pursued Him, they were determined to get to Him. Surely being blind had its difficulties, but they persevered. They knew the source and knew that they had to get to that source. Many times, these days, people tend to give up. They think, whew this is just too hard. But we have to be like those blind men. Push forward and get close to HIM.

And finally when they arrived close to His presence, they were calling out to Him. They were asking for mercy. So they knew to cry out. Yes, we know that the Lord knows what?s wrong with us. But still we voice it, cry out to the Lord.

Then, Jesus acknowledged them and asked them one very crucial question. Do you believe I?m able to do this? Sometimes in life we face some difficult situations. For whatever reason we make that problem bigger than life itself and sinfully so, bigger than Jesus. We sometimes will often pray for it, but while praying we still have problems believing that He can do, strike that, has done, whatever we?re asking. That?s when we have to think of this parable when we pray. He?s saying do you believe I?m able to do this?

In response, they didn?t say, yep, Yes, affirmative, yes sir ree bob, yes indeedy?they said Yes, Lord. They showed Him respect, reverence, in short they treated Him like He was royalty. They said yes, Lord.

Jesus then touched their eyes and said?According to your faith let it be to you. So if we?re praying for something that is in God?s will, but believing for a little, I?m supposing little is what we?ll get. If we?re praying about something God told us we could have, and we don?t believe we can have it, obtain it, orwe figure it would be too difficult to get, then I?m supposing we aren?t going to get it until our faith is set in action to bring it to us. If we pray for something that?s according to God?s will for our lives and have faith that He is more than capable of doing whatever we ask, then I hear Him saying in my spirit, According to your faith be it to you.

Just classic supporting evidence to see it, believe it and receive it!

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