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Little Sisters
(Faye Wheldon)

Set in both the sixties and the eighties, this double story
weaves separately and eventually joins together. It is a rather depressing tale
of the woes of females with no husbands, unsatisfactory husbands and perhaps
more importantly no money. It is the story of one particular woman, -Gemma and
her naivety, gaily going off to London
to make her fortune only to find that nothing is as it seems. Another helpless
young woman Elsa leaves the family nest to set-up home with recently divorced
Victor. Victor has left his comfortable corporate job and family life to open
an antiques shop, at the back of which he has recently ?found himself?, and
set-up a new home with the young and adoring Elsa.

The two women meet and set about telling each other their
respective stories, we do not know whether or not they will become friends and
as Gemma tells her story, a dull early life and of how she came to eventually marry Hamish and became fabulously rich. As
the tale unfolds people reappear form
her past. On a number of occasions we fear for Emma; will she get he finger
chopped off? Will the fox ?get? her?

Meanwhile Victor?s ex-wife and daughter are having more fun
?finding themselves?; beginning to enjoy the pleasure of not having him and his
incessant criticisms around. Both find exciting lovers and marvel at the way
they used to worry about Victor.

A plot to produce a baby gradually unfolds and at the back
of our minds we start to wonder whether Hamish?s and Gemma?s trail of past
destruction and madness was a series of accidents or something much more

As all of the characters eventually meet you will start to
wonder how it will all end.

An interesting but rather depressing tale, don?t read this
if you already feel low.

Resumos Relacionados

- Frankenstein

- Nicholas Nickelby

- The Little Prisoner

- The Grapes Of Wrath

- Best Friends

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