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Full Circle
(Danielle Steel)

Andrew Roberts died in the Vietnam war leaving behind his pregnant wife Jean who eventually gave birth to Tana Robert.

Jean want her daughter to the best, she worked tirelessly to make sure her little Tana got what she want. Jean was eventually employed by wealthy Artur Durning who eventually became her lover but with no string attached but he was able to take care of of Jean and Tana's need.

Tana grew up a beautiful girl but was not pleased with her casual relationship with her boss, all efforts by her mother to make her see the reasons was abortive. She was raped by Arhur's son in a get together party which she initially felt reluctant to go but her mother did not believe she was raped by his lover's son because of the fear of loosing her lover and benefactor.

As a result of this, She lost interest in men and made up her mind never to get attached to any man. Until She met Harry Winslow the son of wealth American business man, Harry lost his mother at a tender age, and he does not have the attention of his father as a result of this he developed a deep hatred for his father, every effort by the father to make understand was rebuffed.

Tana began an intimate relationship with Harry, but she does not want to go beyond an ordinary friendship, but Harry find solace in her company because of the attractive, composing and non demanding nature of Tana and therefore Harry had found everything he missed in his father and mother. Their relationship was like brothers and sisters. Tana pursued life with all Vigour, that She did not pay attentions to any other issues except how to succeed and remain independent.

Harry enlisted in the Vietnam war and he sustained injury that made him paralyzed for the rest of his life, the sympathetic, caring, loving and giving nature of Tana came to play, and this attributes ignited passion in Harry's millionaire father to the extent that the conflicts between the father and son was settled.

Tana's approaches to life did not augur well for her lovers and mother, therefore she suffered series of heartbreak and disappointment, but her focus, determination and hardworking paid off when she was made the Judge of the supreme court.

Harry eventually died after three kid from Avril, the lady he met while attending Law school he secured with the help of Tana. Tana married another celebrity like herself and she finally had everything she want in life.

Finally her life had made a full circle, "beacuse what goes around come around"

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