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Little Women
(Louisa May Alcott)

Little Women, one of the most liked books of all times, tells the story of the four daughters in the March family. Jo, who is the tomboyish sister, has a very vivid imagination and loves writing stories. Meg, the oldest, feels obliged to work as a governess for neighboring children because of the family's financial problems. Amy, is the youngest and a talented painter with a passion for all that is beautiful. As she recognizes beauty in herself, fights a constant battle with vanity. Beth, the middle child is the shy, gentle soul who loves playing the piano. She is very close to Jo, almost her favorite, so it is a terrible blow to her, and to everybody else as well, when Beth comes down with scarlet fever and dies. Mr. March, an army chaplain during the civil war and Mrs. March, a virtuous home maker, are wise and loving parents who try their best to deal with each child as best as possible. Through moving or funny interactions one can see their respect for their daughters´ individuality and appreciation for their different interests and personalities.There are also characters like the harsh aunt March; the impetuous Laurie, the girls´ neighbor and playmate who ends up marrying Amy; John Brooke, Laurie's tutor and later on Meg´s husband; Mr. Laurence, Laurie's wealthy and strict grandfather; and Professor Bhaer, a friend of Jo´s who she meets in New York and eventually becomes her husband.The first volume of Little Women was published in 1866, and since then it has become a classic, read by children and adults, and translated into many languages.In this world of unstoppable technology, frantic consumers, extreme make-overs, artificial and superficial values, reading Little Women or even just excerpts of it feels like a breath of pure air.

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