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Jonh Paul Ii
(Alan S.)

It was the second of both children of the marriage integrated by Karol Wojtyla and Emilia Kaczorowska. Her mother passed away in 1929. His older brother, Edmund, than were doctor, died in 1932; and his father, a sergeant major of the Polish army, died in 1941, during the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany. When finishing their studies of average education, were also registered in the University Jagellónica de Cracovia and in a school of theater. When the forces of German occupation closed the University, in September of 1939, the Karol young person had to work soon in a quarry and in a chemical factory (Solvay), to gain the life and to avoid to be deported Germany. Fichado by the Gestapo, took refuge in an attic of Cracovia. At that time, it was united to the group of famous Polish actor Mieczyslaw Koltarszyk, creator of the Rapsódico theater, with which it interpreted papers of patriotic content. Also it participated in the resistance against Germany, to help to save Jewish families. Later, its situation complicó in Poland and was due to take refuge in the subterraneans of the archbishopric of Cracovia. Pastoral education In 1942 entered the clandestine seminary that had founded Monsignor Sapieha, cardinal archbishop of Cracovia, initiating the race of Theology. The 1 of November of 1946 in the chapel deprived of that was ordered like priest. Shortly after it was transferred Rome to attend the courses of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Athenian "Angelicum", obtaining the doctorate in Theology with the thesis the act of faith in the doctrine of San Juan de la Cruz. Native house of Juan Pablo II in Wadowice (Poland). In 1948 it returned to Poland and it exerted his first pastoral ministry like coassistant vicar of the parish of Niegowic, in the environs of Cracovia, during thirteen months. In November of that same year it obtained the rating to exert teaching in the Faculty of Theology of the Jagellonica University. The 17 of August of 1949 were transferred like vicar to the parish of San Florián, in Cracovia, where it exerted the ministry during two years, alternating it with his work of advisor of the students and graduated as the state university of that city. Named professor of Social Moral and Ethical Theology of the metropolitan seminary of Cracovia, day 1 of October of 1953, began in 1954 to give classes of Ethics in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Lublín, in which two years later director of this Chair was named. The 4 of 1958 July, Pope Pío XII named auxiliary bishop him of the archdiocese of Cracovia, under the apostolic administrator, Baziak archbishop. From the 11 of October of 1962, he began to take active part in Vatican Concilio II, emphasizing his detailings on the modern atheism and the religious freedom. The 8 of December of 1965 happened to comprise of the congregations for the Sacraments and the Catholic Education, and of the Council for the Lay ones. In 1962, when dying Baziak archbishop, was named vicar to capitulate and the 30 of following December the Pope Pablo I SAW named archbishop of Cracovia. The 29 of May of 1967 were named cardinal, which turned to him the second youngest one of the time, with 47 years of age. Pontificado The 28 of September of 1978 died Juan Pablo I, after pontificado of hardly 33 days, and the 16 of October of 1978, after two days of deliberations of the conclave, Wojtyla was chosen successive of San Pedro, having adopted the name of Juan Pablo II, and becoming, with 58 years, in the youngest Pope of the century and in the first nonItalian from the flamenco Adriano I SAW (1522-1523). The 5 of November visited You take root, in first of their 144 trips by Italy. Its great desire, that materialized, went to arrive at year 2000, to open to the Door Santa of the Basilica of San Pedro and to introduce the Church in the third millenium. In the spring of 2000 it could finally step on Earth Santa. It visited Monte Nebo, where (according to the Old Testament) Moisés prophet saw the Earth Promised before dying; Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazaret and several localities of Galilea. Its funeral To the announced being its death, in the middle of the prayer of the Rosary, the public present in the Seat of San Pedro prorrumpió in nourished applause. The lights of their room in the Vatican were extinguished for a moment to communicate this way the moment of their death, but soon they were ignited again and thus they remained. Its death took place to 21:37 hours of Italy of the 2 of April of 2005

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