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George H.w. Bush
(Alan Saldaña)

George Herbert Walker Bush (been born the 12 of June of 1924) was the president of the United States of America number 41 (1989-1993). He was son of Prescott Bush, a republican Senator in the Congress of United States. In World War II pilot battle of the Naval aviation was; it flew in 58 missions battle, and during one of these missions its bomber japones was demolished by the anti-aircraft fire, being rescued of the sea by a North American submarine. Valentía in action was decorated with the Distinguished Cross of Flight by his. It was chosen twice Representing (delegated) in the Congress of the United States (1967-1971) by the State of Texas; and later he would be Ambassador of its country in the UN (1971-1973). In addition he was President of the National Committee of the Republican Party (1973-1974). It served like director of the company (Central Agency of Intelligence) between January of 1976 and January of 1977. Later she was Vice-president of Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), during the time at which the company it provided arms to the Nicaraguense Resistance (well-known like the "Con"). Within the framework of this one attendance it happened the case known like the Iran-Contras). In 1988 it defeated to the other pre-candidates in the internal primary elections of the Republican Party, and one became the official presidential candidate of that party. The Divided opponent Democratic chose to the Governor of the State of Massachusetts Michael Dukakis like his presidential candidate. In the elections of the 8 of November of 1988 Bush he won, obtaining 53.4% of the popular votes and the support of 40 States; whereas Dukakis obtained 45.6% of the popular votes and the support of only 10 States. He is the father of the present governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, and of cuadragésimotercer president of the United States, George W. Bush, and cousin of George Herbert Walker Bush III, ambassador of the United States in Hungary. Bush has been considered a president more moderate than Reagan or who its son. Bush had periods of great popularity during the War del Gulf, while it collaborated later with the United Nations of which Iraq invaded Kuwait. Nevertheless, it partly lost the election of 1992 to Bill Clinton due to the economic recession, to the unpopularity of his vice-president, Give Quayle and to the competition of a third candidate, Ross Perot, of the Reformist Party.

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