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Fathers And Sons
(Turgenev, Ivan)

Fathers and Sons deals with the ideological issues of the mid 1800s, represented by the two opposing generations of protagonists. The 1840 generation of ?fathers? are criticised by the ?sons? of the 1860?s for their lack of ambition and action, while being criticised themselves for their stubborn radicalism. A widely debated issue at the time, Turgenev attempts to find a solution to the discussion.

Each character is stereotyped to the extreme, and the large sections of the novel given over to discussions of social philosophy and the state of the country show the various ideas represented at the time of writing.

Central to the discussion are the characters of Bazarov and Pavel. Unitially unappealing, brash, rude, inconsiderate and ideologically ambitious, Bazarov attempts to bring Western ideas to the Russian gentry. Claiming not to accept any principle until he has proven it himself, Bazarov?s downfall comes in his emotional attachment to the cool Madame Odintsov. Pavel, radical in his own youth, makes no attempt to hide his dislike of the younger man, yet the two are more similar than either would like to admit. Also forced to give up on his love, Pavel?s story is no less tragic.

It is through the characters of Arkady and his father Nikolai that Turgenev presents his message ? that life cannot be rationalised, and that emotions play a very important role in humanity. By placing most of the action on Nikolai?s estate, Turgenev emphasises the importance of nature and beauty. It is no coincidence that the family linked to this estate are portrayed as positive, sympathetic characters, who find love and learn to live in harmony with one another despite their different generations.

Although this novel can be enjoyed by any reader, a brief understanding of the theory of the New Man as advocated by Bazarov would help to get the most from this interesting tale.

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