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Three Men In A Boat (to Say Nothing Of The Dog!)
(Jerome K. Jerome)

'Three Men in A Boat, to say nothing of the dog', a humorous account of a holiday on the Thames, is an eternal theme of the prosaic lives led by men across the centuries with a yearning for change. It is so down to reality that any of us could well be one of them. With no pretensions to a work of literary fame it is written in excellent English that is vain to find these days. With humour being a scarce commodity these days Jerome K. Jerome's Victorian classic takes a permanent place on the bookshelf of the reading public from even the butcher, the baker to the candlestick maker. The narration begins with the hypochondriac musings of three friends. Who does not feel low at one time or the other in life's journey and here is the bait that no reader can ever resist. And so our journey begins with them. What a farce the packing is as we are gently reminded of the trash we pile up in our life. Throw them overboard is the sensible advice of Jerome. Unclutter your life and living and pack only a few essentials that we cannot do without. The story is laced with memorable anecdotes, be it the Hampton Court maze, or when Harris brings a banjo (the last thing George moans that he could stand; says he prefers the headache to the notes of the banjo) or the search for hotel accomodation. A delightful feature of the book is the historical perspectives and reflections that takes us back and forth across the canvas of life over the centuries. Jerome was a writer of no small fame but his humility shows in the preface when he states that this book is a work of simple truthfulness with a little bit of colour added for which there is no extra charge. Humour is a dying art and humourists are a vanishing species. Jerome K. Jerome is one whose voice can be counted among "the few scattered chirps".
(Review by P.G.Murthy)

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