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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

Why is everyone so upset with Dan Brown and "The Da Vinci Code"? I don't understand what all the protests and banning of the movie in certain countries is all about. I've read the book, TWICE, from cover to cover and I have absolutely no problem with it, or the movie adaptation. Now being a Hispanic growing up in a very, very Catholic household, that is a very bold statement to make. NO ONE holds a candle to glorifying Jesus' divinity more than the Catholics. But whenever a debate or a controversy arrises which makes any religious person actually THINK about what they believe in, It's sacrilige, it's disrespectful, it's BLASPHEMOUS!!!. When it comes to having intelligent discussions, based on hard evidence, actual proven facts, you can rest assured that religious groups won't be there, except when the results of that discussion are done. The need someting to protest against don't they?

The real problem I have isn't that their opinions are wrong. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether or not another person or group agrees with it. My problems lies with that religion thinks that their opinions are absolutely, 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt RIGHT. Even if you have positive evidence that what they believe to be right is proven wrong, it cannot be true. It cannot contradict THE BIBLE because THE BIBLE is the TRUTH. Therefore, what you say, which contradicts what THE BIBLE says, is WRONG.

They believe that THE BIBLE to be true, that every word, every event that is written, is exactly the way it is intended to be understood and is fact (even though there exists dozens of faiths that disagree with each other on a daily basis and they all read from the same book. Makes you wonder if they are actually reading the same thing). What these faithful believers fail to realize is the book itself is flawed. You know what happens when you get a group of people together and tell one person something and then have them pass it along to the next person over. Everybody has played this before. By the time what you said comes back to you, some of the words have been changed, it might have gone from a statement to a question and back again, it might even might come back not even being close to what it was from the start. It gains a life of its own. Now let's apply the same principle to THE BIBLE. This is a book that has stories in it that are at the oldest, at least 6,000 years old, gathered together from various tribes and villages, which spoke different languages AND not written down until a certain man's untimely death galvanized a group of people to put them all together. Then this group translated all all of these stories together into one uniformed language, which by the way isn't even spoken anymore, and began to not only to teach it to other people across the globe, who spoke different languages from them as well, but added more chapters which they felt relevant to their message, made revisions to the previously written stories, added a few things here and there, and taking away what they felt wasn't neseccary, and wrote books in those new different languages, who in all probability didn't have enough words in their vocabulary too properly translate the stories without changing the meaning. Compuound this exponentilly over hundreds of years and what do you get? A water-downed version of religious stories put hastily put together for the masses we call THE BIBLE.

For those people blasting Dan Brown and the hypothesis he introduced into our modern culture, I have only a small bit of advise....DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ!!!. You might want to apply that bit of Philosophy to some other books in your library, too.

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