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Technology Has Made The World A Better Place To Live.

Technology has made the world a better place to live.

Technology as we all know has changed the way we live our life. Every thing around us was developed by a technological advantage. Medicine, communication and industry are some areas with an amazing growing in the last ten years. As well as the technology made the world a better place to live, the cost of our comfort and easiness is high for the environment. The amount of the rest no recyclables is enormous.

In my point, the biggest advantage was in Communication, all the world communicates with technology which is the most things in our live these days. For example, the internet which they call it the spider network that is make many things easy for people for doing what do they need and contact with other people from east to west with less cost, one of the advantage that internet give it to people is find what do they need, like doing a search or chat with other people from other country. Moreover, when I moved to united state the internet make me connect with my friend and my family for a less payment better than using a phone. And there also the computer system that also one of the most important means that provided this network primarily and made the contact matter easy.

The medical technology and it is also considered from the most important things that were a big role in technology, its spread and its development in fighting diseases and control many diseases. For example the people before the technology were being cured by the herbs and by the primitive purposes that discovered because of the technology which has many negative things in the future. But with the spread of the technology there was the medicine and there were many of the systems that were discovering the disease place in the body.

A third and finally the industry are from the most important elements that developed a big and noticeable development by the technology. For example, the cars found the trains and the planes that became in this age the most important ways of the move from place to another the one that human can't never live without it.

In the end, it softened the technology that made the world is the better place for the living with the availability of these means.

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