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The Life Continues

Book psicografado for Francisco Cândido Xavier through the spirit Andres Luiz. In this book we find constructive and comforting, sent for the plain spiritual to that they inhabit the Land.

When portraying spiritual the deixarred a carne creature, objective to demonstrate that the experience of the inhabitants other world is related with its mental condition.

In all its chapters, are told to the history of real personages who had had very different experiences of the ones of Andres Luiz, in the first times of the life beyond-tomb. Deixarred a carne, spirituals are come across with the support of the friends, that stimulate them the renewal for intermediary of the study and the work, preparing them to review its lives and to explain the trams of the past, having allowed them to trace new lines of direction.

How much bigger the culture of an incarnate Spirit, more painful the agreement of that it wasted the time that was offered to it. The more rebellious the creature before the Truth, more distressing if will disclose the consequences to it of the proper stubbornness. Show-in, thus, that the existence in beyond if presents diversified for each one, in accordance with the knowledge and the reality that vary to the infinite, making with that, in accordance with the mental condition where if they place, either definite its situation.

Teach-in the practical a of the auto-examination, in the certainty of that the life continues full of hope and work, progress and accomplishment, adjusted the laws of God.

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