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Once there was a sage doing penance in the forest.he was often visited
by many people for his blessing and guidance.the sage used to handover
one simple vratha to be taken by the visitors as per their own wishes only.
One day a thief had senn many people gathered around the sage leaving
Their chappals outside.As he was trying to steal a chapel, he was seen by
the sage. He was asked to come near the sage and sit beside him.all persons
one by onetook leave of the sage and they had all gone with their chapels.
The thief got disappointed for his plans are dashed by the sage. Irritated
By the action of the sage who preferred to keep quiet all the time when
Thetheif was sitting by the side,the thief in a frustrated voice had blamed
The sage for the debacle.to this the sage appologised to the thief for
Spoiling his plan and further requested the thief why not he also under took
a small vratha for him to follow.the thief agreed to see that he did not eat any thing with the shape of either the horse or the elephant.having taken this as a vratha
he left the sage saluting him for an important meeting of the thieves in a
temple situated in the forest near a village where the team wants to lay
their hands in a coordinated way and share the amont among them.When
the team went to the temple, there they found a lot of food articles served
before the god.they were happy and each one of them shared the food
among them and ate.but our thief who left the sage was trifle late for the
meet and he found only two food items a sweet like thing in the shape of
a horse and another in the shape of an elephant.This has prevented him
from consuming the food as he had vowed before the sage that he would
not anything in the shape of a horse or elephant.Anyway he had decided
to take those items for his family members.as the team members after the
meet were dispersing,the thief found one by one they fainted and fell dead
near the temple. This was mainly due to the poisoning of the food items
as they were offered long back,possible many days before by some persons.
The bacterial action in the food has poisoned the food and all except the thief
Have died. The thief got suddenly remembered about the sage and his giving the
Vratha. He reurned to the sage and prostrated before him for saving his dear life
From then on he became the dutiful deciple of the sage and became a noble man
Leaving the thief profession.he became a man of virtues and served the
Humanity with noble thoughts and deed.s

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