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A Midsummer-nights Dream

Egeus and Athenian comes to Duke Theseus and complains that his daughter Hermia refuses to marry Demetrius, whom he has chosen for her, saying she is bewitched by Lysander. The Athenian law decrees that daughters must marry according to their father?s choice; if not, they are put to death.When Hermia tells Lysander of the Duke?s decree, he remembers that he has an aunt outside Athenian jurisdiction. He arranges for Hermia to escape and marry him there. The lovers foolishly confide their secret to Helena, who tells Demetrius. Now the wood where they arrange to meet is the haunt of Oberon and Titania, the king and queen of the fairies. The royal pair have been quarrelling, and Titania has refused to give to her husband a little boy whom she has stolen. Oberon is angry, so he summons mischievous Puck and tells hom now the juice of a certain flower called love in indless sprinkled on the eyelids makes those who sleep, fall in love with the first live creature they happen to see on awaking. He tells Puck to seek the flower and drop the juice in Titania?s eyes. Now love ? lorn Helena has followed Demetrius into the wood. Oberon, knowing how false Demetrius has been to her, is sorry for her, is sorry for her and resolves to try and make her happy. He tells Puck to use the juice on him when he sleeps so that he may love her on awaking. Titania in the meanwhile is being lulled to slumber by her attendants. When she falls asleep Puck drops the juice on her eyelids.Hermia, who has escaped from her father?s house, is resting in the wood, and Lysander is keeping guard over her. Puck thinking him a cold-hearted lover also drops some juice on his eyelids. When he awakes the first person he sees is Helena; so of course falls in love, and runs after her. When Hermia awakes Lysander has disappeared and she searches for him trough the wood.Oberon learns from Puck that he has dropped the juice on to the wrong person; so finding Demetrius asleep he applies the juice and he, seeing Helena on awaking, also falls in love with her. Helena being persuade by both Demetrius and Lysander thinks it is a joke. Hermia, of course, is amazed. Demetrius and Lysander go to fight. Oberon seeing the mistake causes a fog so that the two men get lost and eventually fall asleep. The juice is again applied so that the lovers may be united t their respective loves. Now in the wood some yokels are rehearsing an interlude which is to be played before Theseus and Hippolyta on their wedding night. Bottom, one of the players, bewitched by Puck, has the head of an ass. He drops asleep near the queen of their of the fairies. Onn awaking she falls in love with him. Oberon finding his queen making love to the ass-headed clown forces her to give up the little page boy, breaks the spell, and the fairy king and queen become united again. The mortals are also re-united and they agree to go and ask Egeus to pardon Hermia. When he finds that Demetrius loves Helena he readily consents and the two pairs are happily married.

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- Midsummer Night's Dream

- Midsummer Night's Dream

- Midsummernights Dream

- Midsummer Night's Dream

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