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The Wasteland-- Notes On Imagery, Use Of Language
(Eliot, T.S.)

In The Wasteland, Eliot uses broken images and foreign languages to conjure up scenes of dystopic drear and bizarre ritual. The end of the poem mentions the hanged man and other characters Eliot drew from Tarot cards. He uses snickering couplets to change the pace of the poem (In the room the women come and go// talking of Michaelangelo). Like The Love song of J Alfred Prufrock, Eliot heaps a waste of broken images together to impress a despondent existential theme. Color is lacking in the poem--- the memorable place that mentions color is in describing the stone (come in under this red rock), then in a line taken from the OldTestament (Isaiah?) (I will show you fear in a handful of dust)-- the power of the line is chilling, coming from a disembodied narrator. www.valiantdeath.com --- for wonderful experimental art/music/ zines

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