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Around The World In 80 Days
(Julio Verne)

Jules Verne's traditoinal novel is, indeeed, a classic about what moves travells and travellers. Around the World in 80 days, although published in 1873, follows being a passionate fiction in which Jules Verne shows his genious imagination. The book tell the story of an english gentleman, Phileas Fogg, who had a routined and lonely life, but with a lot of money and, dued to a bet with his gambling companions, decides to go around the world in 80 days, accompanied only by his faithful employee, French, who's name was Jean Passepartout with the detective Fix always following, because he believes that Fogg is a bank robber and follows him until the moment he arrests him. In that journey, he will live several adventures and will know various places in the world. Although many of the published books bring in their covers the image of a balloon, there's no moment in the story where the characters actually use it. In a certain occasion, Phileas Fogg thinks about using a balloon, but the idea remains only in imagination.

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