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Around The World In Eighty Days
(Julio verne)

Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is a classic adventure novel by Jules Verne, first published in 1872. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club. The technological innovations of the 19th century had opened the possibility of rapid circumnavigation and the prospect fascinated Verne and his readership. The book may have been inspired by the exploits of George Francis Train, who accomplished the feat in 1870.The story starts in London on October 2, 1872. Phileas Fogg is a wealthy, solitary, unmarried gentleman with regular habits. The source of his wealth is not known and he lives modestly. He fires his former valet, James Forster, for bringing him shaving water two degrees too cold. He hires as a replacement Passepartout, a Frenchman of around 30 years of age.Later that day in the Reform Club, he gets involved in an argument over an article in The Daily Telegraph, stating that with the opening of a new railway section in India, it is now possible to travel around the world in 80 days.
London / Suez rail and steamer 7 days
Suez / Bombay steamer 13 days
Bombay / Calcutta rail 3 days
Calcutta / Hong Kong steamer 13 days
Hong Kong / Yokohama steamer 6 days
Yokohama / San Francisco steamer 22 days
San Francisco / New York rail 7 days
New York / London steamer 9 days
total 80 days

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- Around The World In 80 Days

- Around The World In 80 Days

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