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Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking--notes On
(Whitman, Walt)

The meter of this poem is long and unbridled, typical of most the poems in his epic Leaves of Grass. This poem is a recollection a boy or man has of his childhood. It focuses on the company he keeps with his environment. The poem can be divided into 3 parts. The first and last are descriptions of the world around the boy in the poem and the middle is a lyric in celebration of his unity with it. It has the effect of returning to a beginning. The last line of the poem (The sea whisper?d me) could follow and is completely opposed to the first line of the poem (Out of the cradle endlessly rocking,). The title and first line of the poem is a metaphor for both the beginning of his life and the eternal flux of the universe. The first part of the poem has images of birth and life. There?s September and May mentioned, grass growing and patches of blackberries. The second part of the poem centers around the sky, on birds, and song. It serves as a transition to the final part of the poem which centers on the sea; the sea is symbolic of death and the end. Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, is probably a tour-de-force, or could have been. www.valiantdeath.com ----- for wonderful experimental music/ art/ zines

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