Macbeth and Banquo , two Scottish generals returning from a Victorian battle, are stopped by the appearance of three witches. They greet Macbeth, prophesying that he will be the King of Scotland. Than they turn to Banguo, another general, and proclaim him ?lesser than Macbeth and greater?. Whilst this two generals are discussing the meaning of the witches? mysterious prophecies Rosse and Angus, two noblemen, arrive from king Duncan and confer on Macbeth the title of Thane of Cavdor. Lady Macbeth, on hearing what has happened determines to agree to committing the murder. Macbeth at length screws up his courage and murders King Duncan. Remorse overtakes him, but Lady Macbeth ridicules his weakness and tells him to wash the blood from his hands, and in order to throw the blame on the grooms who slept near the King, smear their faces with blood. `the next morning Macbeth and /lady Macbeth pretend to be terribly shocked at the discovery of the murder. But nevertheless they seem to be suspected. Duncan?s two sons departs in haste. Malcolm to England, Donalbain to Ireland, Macbeth is hear to the throne. Remorse, together with alarm, at the prophecy of the witches that Banguo?s children should be kings after him so preyed on his mind that he and Lady Macbeth determine to murder Banquo and his son shall be killed on their way to the castle. Banquo is killed but Fleance escapes. At the banquet Banquo?s ghost appears and takes Mackbeth?s place but only Macbeth sees this spectre, and he is about to drink the health of his quests. The ghosts reappears and he cries out in alarm: ?Avaunt! Quit my sight!?.Macbeth, thoroughly terrified, goes to consult the witches once more to ask them about the future, especially whether Banquo?s son shall reign over Scotland. He is told to beware Macduff; that he will not be conqured until Birman wood shall come against him, and also that eight kings will be descended from Banquo. The first thing he hears when he returns is that Malcolm is raising an army to attack him. He kills Lady Macbeth and her children. During this time, Lady Macbeth suffers tortures of remorse, walks in her sleep, and at length dies. One day Macduff?s soldiers cutting trees from Birman woods carry them as shields. Birman woods are coming against him! Macbeth fights Macduff and is killed, so Macduff ascends his father?s throne.
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- Macbeth
- Macbeth
- Macbeth
- Macbeth
- Macbeth