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New ( Trendsetter ) Book. 100 Years Of E=mc2

New ( trendsetter ) Book. 100 Years of E=mc2
Publisher. Nova Science Publishers, New York USA.

https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/produ ct_info.php?cPath=23_48_324&products_id=4554
*Einstein?s unfinished work is completed.*

After about 24 years my book extending E=mc2 to dE = Ac2 dm is available to the readers.
(Please see attachment).
I started inquiring E=mc2 as student of BSc. (II) in 1982 , but it took long time that papers
were published in international journals in 2003-2006.

Scientific basis; The book ?100 Years of E=mc2 ? is based upon research papers published
in peer review international journals. Also the papers quoted in the book , have been
accepted for presentation over 55 conferences in USA, ENGLAND, GERMANY.ITALY, POLAND, RUSSA etc. and contents have published in conference publications.
Reason for extension of E=mc2. Einstein derived E=mc2 in Sep 1905 paper.
Einstein?s 27 Sep 1905 paper Link http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/E_mc2/www/The mathematical derivation of E=mc2 is true under special conditions. If general values
of parameters are applied, then results are experimentally CONTRADICTED e.g. mass of
body must increase when emits Light energy.
Alternate equation dE = Ac2 dm. Here A is coefficient of proportionality. According to dE = Ac2 dm Energy emitted can be equal, more or less than E=mc2. Its applications are suggested.

This book is very thought provocating for ALL and may I hope you will personally read the same and will give comments .
If you have any other query over the subject matter please let me know.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely

AJAY SHARMA May 28, 2006
Fundamental Physics Society
His Mercy Enclave New Shimla India
Emaill [email protected]

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