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A Brave New World
(Aldous Huxley)

Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, is the story of a utopian society set in about 600 A.F. (After Ford). Ford, the father of the Model T, replaces the God figurehead in Huxley's novel. The characters exclaim "Ford!" in moments of great emotion and make the sign of the T on their stomachs. In this dystopian society, all cultural elements and the intellectual pursuit of science and truth have been sacrificed for a world of comfort and convenience in which war, poverty, hunger and disease have ceased to exist. Eugenics is the basis of society with Alpha Pluses at the intellectual peak and of the greatest stature and the Epsilon Minuses at the bottom of both. Sex is not only treated casually, but promiscuity is expected as a duty. When all else fails, the hallucinogenic drug soma is dispensed to keep the masses at least opiated. The main character, an Alpha Plus named Bernard, searches for what he feels must be a truer meaning to life. He befriends a peer who seeks desperately an art he can not define nor find. Their quest becomes more realistic upon a chance encounter with the Savage who is ironically much more cultured and intellectually awared than this genetically engineered pair. Bernard's search highlights the central theme of the novel: Will humanity sell out culturally and intellectually for comfort and security? Is suffering a necessary state for the moral health of humanity? Aldous Huxley's upbringing in a family renowned for its scientific and literary pursuits is evident in this well executed novel. I strongly endorse this book as one of my all time favorites and a sure classic.

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