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O Primo Basílio, Uma Análise
(Eça de Queirós)

To all portray the way of the Portuguese society, the author if serves of a great resource of style: the description and the abundance of details. This in gives the impression to them that history does not walk, that the facts if drag, that nothing it happens with the personages. It is the minute side of the author to say high more. As example, we have the ticket of Basílio Cousin, when Eça describes the room of the Acácio Council member. The details serve to explain the personage in the environment where it lives. Péssimo taste of the Council member to decorate goes of meeting to the classic painting and the piano of tail. Critical to the false intellectual and the mixture of the colors yellow, purple and brown in decoration objects. This wealth of details in them seems that the author wanted to show the relation between physical and psychological aspects of the personages. The writer of dramalhões, Ernestinho, with its comicidade, in remembers the Literature to them that Eça produced. Ironicamente, the author criticizes ridicule of the romantic art through the physical atony of the personage. It remembers to us, also, the great caricaturista and satirical author who was. They are we engraçadíssimos personages as the Council member Acácio, Ernestinho, owner Happiness. The caricature of the personages appears to display the errors and defects of them, its customs and of the society. All its sarcasm and its revolutionary impetus disappear, later, in the book the Cities and the Mountain ranges, when the author starts to have a humanizada and comprehensive vision of the human being. Its style, then, earns in colorful and beauty. The book Basílio Cousin is a thesis romance, of influence of the social environment on the individual. The author described the physical space and the society and later showed as the personage reacted they. It is an analysis made on the marriage and the behavior well bourgeois. With the great influence of Madame Bovary, of author Gustave Flaubert, Eça de Queirós it constructs the Luísa personage, having as copy Emma Bovary: fragile, sonhadora, romantic. As critical of the Portuguese society, the author feels the necessity of all moralizar. He is what we perceive in the book. When Luísa adoece, after Jorge taking knowledge of its case with Basílio cousin, at its moments of lucidity, it asks for the presence of the husband to its side. The death of Luísa is, also, significant. The author finds necessary, as conclusion, to punish the heroine. The Punishment was the death. Some personages are dismissed of moral force. The Acácio Council member who represents the official formalism, keeps a private relationship with its Leopoldina servant. It symbolizes the bad part of the soul of the woman. Luísa, delivers to the sentimental fancy, it does not have moral conscience and it practises adultery. PERSONAGES And ITS CHARACTERISTICS: ) Jorge - engineer, public officer, pacato and avesso madnesses, correct, caretaker and conservative. b) Luísa - romantic, sonhadora, fragile (it does not obtain to deal with the blackmails of Juliana), behavior that premakes use it to the adultery one, marriage is synonymous of security. c) Sebastião - protective unconscious, faithful the Jorge and understands the situation of Luísa. d) Basílio - high, air noble, black and fine mustache, former-boyfriend and loving of Luísa. It enriches, travels for the world. The Lisbon villager criticizes. She establishes yourself in Paris. e) Juliana - used that it hated the masters. Full of rancor and it envies. For it, the ends justify the ways. Blackmailer. f) Julião - it does not see nothing of more in the adultery one. Mediocre doctor. g) Owner Happiness - materna represents the figure, simpatiza with Basílio. Solteirona, moved away from the society, looks a marriage and chooses the Council member. h) Acácio - without moral force, simpatiza with Basílio. The government defends. Become attached to the familiar values and the tradition, but it has the servant as loving. Symbol of the mediocrity. i) Ernestinho - public officer, makes theater and writes on the workmanships written for Eça de Queirós. j) Leopoldina - the bad part represents that exists in the woman. Prostitui for not feeling itself engaged in the society. Vulgar, it has nickname of Bread and Cheese. Concluding, the book Basílio Cousin belongs to the time style Realism. The language is correct, rich vocabulary, loaded well made phrases of irony. The narrator is onisciente (narrative that he knows everything on the plot and the personages. Besides observing, it knows and discloses to the feelings and closer thoughts of these personages). Narrative in third person. Scene: Lisbon. Presence of the free indirect speech, that is, the voice of the narrator appears confused with the thoughts of the personages.

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- Basílio Cousin

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- Eça De Queirós, Uma Vida

- Eça De Queirós, Uma Vida

- O Primo Basílio, Uma Análise

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