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A Doutrina Secreta
(Helena Petrovna Blavatsky)

The Private Doctrine intends to present subjects of science and philosophy of the end of century XIX and of the old religions and mythology of a synthetic and unified form. The book is the most complete exposition of the ideas of the Teosofia. The text is of difficult reading and understanding therefore intensely uses expressions in sânscrito that are not familiar to the reader average occidental person. Already at the time, Blavatsky gave beginning to a workmanship whose matrix would be to facilitate the reading of the Private Doctrine and other workmanships, the Teosófico Glossary, that did not arrive to finish nor to see edited. Moreover, many aspects of the text are guarded by a symbolism not entirely explained. This if must, according to Blavatsky, to the fact of the humanity not to be still total prepared to know certain teachings that must remain private. Although the book has not made much success at the time of Blavatsky, a popular and influential book in century XX became, having as reading personalities as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley, among others. The book has, until today, an influence no thought occidental person ao to spread out the ideas da philosophy and das eastern religions, opening space for a meeting do ocidente with the east. It has who criticizes the workmanship, either for the fact to more than have one hundred years (per that it would be outdated), either for the guarded style (esoteric). For the adepts of the Teosofia, many advances of science if had given the works of Blavastky after. According to these, the advances that had occurred in century XX in the physics of high energies, in astronomy of deep space, chemistry and the medicine had been presented, of a mística and not scientific perspective, first in the Private Doctrine. But the critical greater to the book and the ideas of Blavatsky is in relation to a moderate racism, particularly when Blavatsky mentions some ethnic groups to it, aborígenes Australian, for example, as less human than the Aryans, since it identifies them as crossbred atlanto-lemurianos. With relation to the Semites, particularly the Arabs, say that they are spiritual depraved. Many of these critical ones have its origin in the fact of Blavatsky to be considered by many as an controversial author, the point of its detractors to consider it an impostor.

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