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Interpretação Da Psicologia

PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION Has, between documents chosen, specifically destined to the metodológica reflection on the interpretation of texts and to the presentation of proposals of work to the historians interested in making interpretativo. One is about chapter 17 of the book above cited and has the heading: History and analysis of text. The text is initiated by a insinuante sub-heading: The historians and the work with the texts: of the hermeneutics of the traditional method to the contacts with the linguistics and the semiotics. We say insinuante because the expressions hermeneutic of the traditional method and domínios of history provoke expectations of sensible on the thing that will be gone to read, and if the text if to keep fidiciary office to the subject, will turn on the hermeneutic method used by the historians of the call traditional history. Convém, however, to clarify that qualifying the traditional one becomes here one of the beacons of the reflection, as much for us how much for Cardoso, Vainfas and our readers. If we belong to the iluminista tradition, the traditional word must still be equivalent exceeded, old the thing and maken a mistake, or things used only for ignorant people. The necessity of pontuar such concept already is an indicative that the iluminista perspective did not cease in century XIX and it does not present bigger incompatibilities with other philosophies, such as the positivismo, the materialism, and even though with the fenomenologia or any another form of thought, being enough for that it is tied with the progress idea. Therefore, always that we accept equivalence between the terms traditional and been slow, traditional and exceeded, we place ourselves in the iluminista tradition and the doctrine of the progress.

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