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The Sky Is Falling

The Sky is Falling
Helena looked up at the sky and wondered how it had become so blue. It matched her mood perfectly. To Helena, being in a blue mood meant sadness.
Helena had been having days of sadness and trial for many months and today, when she looked up at the sky, she suddenly felt the urge to find an answer. She looked up at the sky and demanded to know, "Why me? Why does it all happen to me?"
No answer. Helena decided that maybe what she needed more than a reason was assistance. She had struggled alone for so long. She had never asked anyone to help her. People were always offering to help, but always doing things that she thought only made matters worse. She was stubbornly certain that only her way of doing things could make things right. Also, she had been sure she could manage all alone. Now she was rethinking.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


