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Memoria De Minhas Putas Tristes

' In the year that I completed ninety years, it wanted to presentear me with a night of wild love with a virgin adolescent '. E is thus, without roundups, that Gabriel García Márquez in them presents the history of this old journalist who chooses the luxury to prove itself exactly, and to the world, that is alive. First workmanship of fiction of the Columbian author in ten years, ' Memory of My Putas Sad ' unweaves the souvenirs of life of this inesquecível and solitary personage in plus a vigorous book of Gabriel García Márquez. The reader will go to follow the sexual adventures of this gentleman, narrator of these memories, that go to live about one hundred years of gotten dull solitude and embrutecido, writing chronic and dull summaries for a villager periodical, giving to lessons of grammar for pupils so without horizontes how much it, and, above of everything, rambling of brothel in brothel, sleeping with dismissable women, until arriving, at last, to this unexpected and surprising history of love.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


