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I Robot.
(Isaac Asimov)

Imagine if there was a creature ,or rather creation, that was endowed with the best attributes that humanity had to offer. Childlike curiosity, increased intelligence, true altruism in the sense that it could never harm,or cause through inaction harm to any human, (the laws of robotics). Capable of emotions but never in a selfish way, creative and sensitive. In short, the best humanity has to offer. Imagine that this being was immortal, would never die as we inevitably will, for it would never be alive in the sense that we are... Or would it? Wouldn't it also suffer as we do? The pain of rejection, the struggle to be recognized, accepted?? Isaac Asimov goes beyond just the three laws of robotics, he also has something to say of humanity (and to humanity), of the concequences of artificial intelligence . Posing the questions we should ask ourselves before endowing these intelligences with human characteristics and/or learning capabilities. Would it evolve?? Would it be accepted?? Indeed, could it be human in the sense that it has the very things that we judge ourselves to be human by, except for the fact it is not a living creature??

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