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Protecting His Own
(molly rice)

Molly Rice's Romance novel, Protecting His Own, is a wonderfully well written novel. In this book the author pour the feeling of each character out in such a way that it is honestly indescribable. she has the main character, Kate Adams flee from New York City with twin babies of whom she baby-sits for nightly. In the effort to protect the young babies Adams leave her life fully and never dared to return to it. After hearing that an angry vicious New York City mob had killed the babies mother, she decided to raise the young impressionable infonauts on her own for five years and she was able to rebuild a life that was suitable and safe for the children whom she loved dearly and raised as her own. Five years after the trio had fled from the big apple in a panic in the middle of the night a tall dark mysterious man named, Riley discovered he possibly had two young children, and feel lost and lonely from spending five years in Saudi Arabia, he was bound and determined to fine his children. Riley hired a private detective to find the children and Adams, who had changed her name to the name of her children?s late mother. Within a week the PI had found Adams and the twins. Riley went to a small country town to get to know the twins, but along with bringing joy, happiness, laughter and a sense of completement to the twins and their young beautiful mother, Joe Riley had also brought severe danger, that posed a threat to their lives. Suddenly Kate Adams finds herself reliving the nightmare from five years ago, yes she was once again fleeing for her life and the life of her children but only this time she was accompanied to a strange man who she found a strong attraction too. she wanted to put her trust in the man, she wanted to wrap herself up in his warmth to feel safe and protected with him, yet she couldn?t shake the feeling that something wasn?t right. After days and days of running away fro from the danger it finally caught up with them at a fast food establishment where the twins were almost abducted, after this terrifying incident the foursome drove back into New York?s grandest city, hoping to blend in and escape form the horrifying nightmare. However, this attempt proved to be wrong, the children and Adams were all kidnapped, but the mob. Once Riley had found out what happened to the once happy family he helped the police to track the kidnappers down, before anyone was hurt. yet Riley and the team of police were too late, the twins had been hurt. The young boy was pushed into deep water to make it look as if his death would be an accident, while his sister was shoved across the large room where she hit her head and it crack open. The precious five year old hung on for her life and fought hard while Joe saved her brother, and then called for help for her. later that day at the hospital, Joe Riley discovered that he was not the father of the twins, he was devastated. Riley was so devastated that he disappeared from the family's life for a whole month while he tried to figure out what was missing in it and why he wasn?t happy anymore. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks, Kate and her children were missing! He loved them! he wanted to be with them more than anything. So once again Riley made the trip to the small safe country town. He knew that he would have to do something sweet and amazing to even get close to her or the twins again, who suffered no trauma from the tragedies a month ago. He found every rose in town and picked them and left a carpet of rose petals from the small town daycare where the children went daily all the way to their house, where he confessed to Kate that he loved her and only her and always will for as long as he lived. Then they all become one happy family and Kate never had to look over her should for danger because she now felt safe and protected the way she always wanted to.

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