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Os Maias
(Eça de Queirós)

The share of the Mayans is transferred in Lisbon, the second half of séc. XIX, and presents us it history of three generations of the Mayan family. The share is initiated in the Autumn of 1875, when Alfonso of the Mayan, nobleman and rich proprietor, if installs in the Ramalhete. At this moment a long description of the house becomes - cool or campestre the Ramalhete, whose name has origin in a tile panel with a branch of sunflowers, and not in something, such as the name in sends them to think. Alfonso of the Mayan one was the personage most likeable of the romance and that one that the author more valued, therefore not if defects know it. He is a man of carácter cultured and requintado in the gostos. In young it adhered to the ideals of Liberalism and was obliged, for its father, to leave house and to install themselves in England. After the father to falecer returns the Lisbon to marry Maria Eduarda Runa, but little time later is exiled had the reasons of politica order. Fruit of this marriage resulted only one son, Peter of the Mayan, who presented a nervous temperament, weak and of great emotional instability, it had assiduamente crises of black melancholy and was very on to the mother, therefore after its death, was inconsolável, recouping only when Monforte Maria knew a called woman with who married, despite its father not agreeing. Later Alfonso of the Mayan dedicates to its life to the grandson Carlos and already old he passes the time in colloquies with the friends, reading with its cat - Reverendo Bonifácio - to the feet, thinking on the necessity of renewal of the country. Alfonso is generous stops with the friends and the needed ones, love the nature and what he is poor and weak. It has high and firm moral principles. It dies of an apoplexy, when it discovers the incestuous loves of its grandsons. Of the union of Peter of the Mayan with Monforte Maria two children had resulted Carlos Eduardo and Maria Eduarda. Little time later Monforte Maria is gotten passionate for Tancredo and runs away, leading obtains the son. Peter, destroçado, go with Carlos for house of Alfonso where he finishes for committing the suicide, Carlos is in house of the grandfather where he is educated to the English, opposing itself it its education to the one of Eusebiozinho. Passed some years, Carlos against the will of all, excepto of its grandfather, doctor became and finishes for constructing a luxurious doctor's office. After some adventures, one day know a woman called Eduarda Maria and are gotten passionate, but it was married, then these become loving. None of the two distrusted of the past of the family, Carlos, with exception of its trip in the end of the course, always lived in Portugal, thinking that its sister died, and Eduarda Maria thought that only irmãzinha had one, that it died in London. When they had been gotten passionate, Carlos finished for discovering that Maria lay to it on its past. One day, Mr. Guimarães comes the Lisbon, and is for a series of amazing coincidences that the disaster finishes for arriving. The romance was written in a height where sciences blossomed. Eça plays in it with the weight of the hereditary succession (Carlos would have inherited of the paternal grandmother and the proper father weak carácter, and of the mother the trend for the loving disequilibrium), and of the share of the involving way on the individual (Carlos fails, although all the condicionantes that has its favor, because the involving way, the high bourgeoisie lisboeta, for such pushes it). Psychology gave its first steps - it is thus that Carlos, exactly knowing that the woman whom she loves is its sister, does not leave of desiring, a time that is not enough that they say to it that it is its sister so that it as such considers it.

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- Os Maias

- Os Maias

- Os Maias

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