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Memorial Do Convento
(José Saramago)

Memorial of the convent inscribes the literary way in the important reflexiva tradition on the desmerecimento of the work, problem rank in historical plan of long course in Brazil and Portugal. In this romance of Jose Saramago, parallel to the history of the construction of the convent of Mafra, history of one another construction is told to it, of passarola. If the construction of the Convent brings the mark of the work as capital punishment, of passarola on the basis of constitutes the affirmation of the creative capacity of that they construct it, a true complementaridade of efforts. However it does not have in the Memorial simplista opposition between a positive dimension and another refusal of the work, therefore it enters the main intentions of the narrator, who says respect to the way in such a way as he characterizes the efforts to raise passarola how much to the descriptions of the workmanships of the convent, appears to remove the endorsement to the strict division between the manual drudgery and the intelectiva dimension of certain tasks.

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