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Summa Theologica
(Thomas Aquinas)

Scholasticism: Marriage of Reason and Faith (with a prenuptial agreement)
Thomas Aquinas demonstrated in Summa Theologica that God's gift to man is reason. We can reason out our faith, as scripture says, and find a more ordered faith. This combination of reason and faith is Scholasticism.
Scholasticism is a school of thought where faith and reason exist in conjunction with one another. They compliment each other to help people come to a better understanding of God and his works. This school of thought blended well with the exploration of the natural world during the Renaissance. An unintended result has been manifest through the modern evolution of Scholasticism. This result is the unwavering confidence of the educated in reason without regard to the unity of the faith. Division replaces unity when reason tells us that we're right and everyone else must therefore be wrong.
Where Thomas Aquinas hoped to balance the claims of faith and reason, of nature and grace, we now lean toward reason. The pendulum has swung in favor of self-confident intellectuals who have studied every possible permutation of science and scripture. They know all, so when we read their books, we know all, too.
Nowadays, we reason out everything. Quantum physics, psychology, biology, engineering, and genetics. Reason is our friend. We now use it as a justification to know everything, though. When you go to the doctor, you insist on a correct diagnosis. They must know because they?re doctors. They?re reasonable, right?
This method should not, however, be extrapolated into doctrinal divisions. When we ?reason out our faith?, we?re not to un-reason everyone else?s faith!
?If I?m right, then by definition, everyone else must be wrong!?
Were you always right about what you believed? Did Santa really exist? Was the world really flat? Was the earth the center of the solar system? In 1955, the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches? Council of Twelve (it was twelve back then) took the position that black and white Christians should remain separate during worship.
Believe me. What we?re told and what we believe hasn?t always been right. It is a supreme arrogance to think that we interpret scripture perfectly. (To be fair, the GARBC has since reconciled their position with scripture and understands that their former position was wrong. Wherever you go to church, they?ve had problems, too.)
Aquinas' crowning achievement stands as the cornerstone of Christian apologetics today, but should never be extrapolated into an ivory tower mentality of self-righteousness.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12

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