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Who's Ernie?
(Callista Ann Gifford)

"Ernie's dead", I yelled as I ran into the kitchen to tell me mom on that dark and lonely April morning. "What?s wrong?" She asked in a panic.

"Ernie's dead, mom," I repeated as the tears ran down my pale face.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry, honey, but who's Ernie?" I soon thought to myself; Out of all the days she's known me I couldn't believe she didn't know who Ernie was. I surely couldn't believe what she was asking me. I replied to her as a waterfall of tears ran down my face, "Ernie was my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Surely you have to know who Ernie was." "Is Ernie from school?"

"Well, yes, we found each other and became friends at school. So yes we knew each other from there," I replied.

"Oh I see, how come I never met him, Mercedes?"

"Well he was afraid to meet you. He was sort of different from the others and he didn't want to be made fun of, especially since he was smaller than them too.," I sobbed as I replied.

"When is Ernie's funeral?"

"Well I was hoping we could say a few words tonight for him."

"Oh of course," replied my mom.

"Don't worry, honey, I'll do anything to help you get over this tragedy. We'll, you better hurry and get on the bus for school or you will miss it," said my mom.

On the bus I sat by myself and the only thing I could think of was Ernie. The pain he must have been through, or maybe he didn't suffer any pain at all. "Poor Ernie," I whispered out loud to myself. I quickly began sobbing again. Soon my friend Katie say down beside me on the bus seat.

"What's wrong? You are crying. You never cry,? said Katie.

"My bestest friend Ernie died this morning," I replied sobbing more.

"I am so sorry," said Katie sympathetically. "What school did he go to?"

"He went to our school Katie."

"He did?" "Yes he did."

"Oh I never knew him." I couldn't believe what I was hearing from her mouth. She too did not know Ernie. Surely she must have seen us together, especially on the playground.

"Well if there is anything I can do for you just ask." "Ok," I replied.

" Do you want me to come over to your house after school and we can talk about Ernie?" asked Katie.
"Sure if you want. But don't tell anyone else about Ernie because I don't feel like answering questions. Or better yet, if people ask what's wrong today, tell them the whole story. That way I won't start crying again."

"Ok, no problem Mercedes."

At schook I felt even more horrible because during recess the playground felt so empty and out of place. I couldn't play. Everyone in the third grade was happy. When they asked me what was wrong, they all asked the same old question. "Who's Ernie?" I almost died when I heard that question. Who's Ernie? Ernie would always be there for me when I needed him, and I for him. We sort of took care and looked after each other. Thinking these happy but sad thoughts, I began bawling my eyes out yet again.

When the bell rang to go home, a whole bunch of my friends planned to come over to my house so they could all try to help me feel better. But why would they want to help me get over someone they didn't know themselves? Anyway, I let them come over.

My house was full of my close friends wondering who Ernie was. Asking so many questions like how come they had never met Ernie or seen him at school. I told him that he didn't like people because they had made fun of him.

"What?s in the box?" asked Katie.

"Why, it's Ernie," I replied. They all looked confused. Again they all asked the question I dreaded hearing again. I decided to open the box and let them see for themselves. As soon as I opened the box one of the girls yelled "Ernie is a ladybug."

Another replied "You are upset about a ladybug?"

"Yes," I said. They all laughed. Even my mom.

"Why are you all laughing?" I asked.

Katie replied "It's a ladybug. There are a million of them. They all die at some point or another."

I said "Ernie was an exception, he was my very best friend. He would always look at mwondering when I was going to play with him. He would always be excited when we played on the playground. And when I found him this morning and he didn't look at me, he just laid there on his back. Not moving. Not doing anything."

I looked up expecting to see smiles and hear laughter, but it was quite the opposite. They all were crying. That day we went out to my yard and buried Ernie and by the time they all left home they all wanted a lady bug to call their own. But they would never find one like Ernie. He was truly a great ladybug that I will never forget.

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- Story Of Ernie

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