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Badly And The Damn Ones Of History

It exists Badly. And it exists not only like that abstract, distant organization of our homes, that is nested in the deep corners of the human abjection. Not only in exceptional individuals, isolated cases of extreme madness, sociópatas, sicópatas assassins and criminals of who the police chronicle pages of our time are full, from sadly the famous Jack the Ripper, to the recent cases of seriales assassins in the U.S.A. Also it exists and it has existed, occupying the space that the hopelessness or the disorientation of the towns has granted to him at specific moments of their history, now distant history for us, but that must be a reminder of the improbable limits to where Badly, the systematic organization of the crime and the repression, it has arrived in nuesro time. Perhaps indeed because we were believed to have surpassed dark times of ignorance and prejudices, fué that organizations as the German NAZI party could carry out impunementre their innombranble massacre. Or even, more recently, dictatorships in Latin America, ironically supported and fomented by the country of the freedom, whose degree of cruelty and sevicia did not have limits, could be restored and be maintained indeed because our incredulity towards so large horror, did not allow to see the truth us after the denunciations. And it is for that reason, by improbable and the unreal thing that it is Badly in our minds, that can, has been able and perhaps it will be able to be always generated. In this book, his author, takes to us briefly by a route in recent history calling the attention to us on cietrtos cases, not only them, but perhaps most impressive, than they take to ask to us to us if really we are prepared to recognize the Organizations of Badly when they appear like Rescuers with his messianic projects of a better and different world. Dreams of greatness that finish frequently in nightmares, like in Germany, Russia, Cambodia, Argentina, Chile, etc? So many and so many countries that mortgaged their future to individuals that, taking advantage of conjunctural moments crisis, knew to capitalize the popular support for their killer delirium.

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